Sa vie sous les mouches
Nicolas Marchant a posé regard, encres et autres principes dans un carnet.
Faut pas ignorer ça: http://laviesouslesmouches.blogspot.be/
15:58 26/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : arts | Facebook
Modèle(s). Sarah Jane Norman
14:15 26/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : arts | Facebook
The Diagrammatic Writings of an Asylum Patient (1870)
These two images are from the book On the Writing of the Insane (1870) by G. Mackenzie Bacon, medical superintendant at an asylum (now Fulbourn Hospital) located near Cambridge, England. The pictures are the product of a “respectable artisan of considerable intelligence [who] was sent to the Cambridgeshire Asylum after being nearly three years in a melancholy mood”. Bacon describes how the unnamed patient, for the two years he was committed, spent “much of his time writing — sometimes verses, at others long letters of the most rambling character, and in drawing extraordinary diagrams.” The two images shown here were drawn on both sides of the same small half sheet of paper, and the patient, “as though anxious, in the exuberance of his fancy, to make the fullest use of his opportunities, [...] filled up every morsel of the surface — to the very edge — not leaving an atom of margin.”
Bacon goes on to explain that the man, after leaving the asylum, went “to work at his trade, and, by steady application, succeeded in arriving at a certain degree of prosperity, but some two or three years later he began to write very strangely again, and had some of his odd productions printed ; yet all this time he kept at work, earned plenty of money, conducted his business very sensibly, and would converse reasonably.”
After a visit from a medical man who tried to dissuade him from writing this way the man wrote the following letter:
Dear Doctor, To write or not to write, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to follow the visit of the great ‘Fulbourn’ with ‘chronic melancholy’ expressions of regret (withheld when he was here) that, as the Fates would have it, we were so little prepared to receive him, and to evince my humble desire to do honour to his visit. My Fulbourn star, but an instant seen, like a meteor’s flash, a blank when gone. The dust of ages covering my little sanctum parlour room, the available drapery to greet the Doctor, stowed away through the midst of the regenerating (waterand scrubbing – cleanliness next to godliness, political and spiritual) cleansing of a little world. The Great Physician walked, bedimmed by the ‘dark ages’ the long passage of Western Enterprise, leading to the curvatures of rising Eastern morn. The rounded configuration of Lunar (tics) garden’s lives an o’ershadowment on Britannia’s vortex…
Unfortunately things ended sadly for the man. As Bacon recounts: “In the course of another year he had some domestic troubles, which upset him a good deal, and he ended by drowning himself one day in a public spot”.
(Images taken from On the Writing of the Insane (1870), housed at the Internet Archive, contributed by the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine via the Medical Heritage Library.)
19:22 19/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : humoeurs | Facebook
Correct Postures for Housework (1920s)
Series of photographs taken of Miss Ruth Kellogg demonstrating correct postures for various forms of housework. Photos taken by Troy for Delineator magazine. No date given, but Miss Kellogg was at Cornell 1921-26.
(All images courtesy of the Div. Rare & Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library)
19:17 19/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : humoeurs | Facebook
Ateliers d'écritures animés par Milady Renoir et Amis
voici quelques dates, quelques liens à piocher, quelques ateliers d'écritures de toutes formes. (quand c'est souligné et bleuet, pouvez cliquer)
- 20/04 à Muno (Gaume): Ivresses...
- 3-5/05 à Studio Marcel (Recyclart, Bruxelles): Expérimentations, Créations, Jeux
- 19/05 à Pêle-Mêle librairie: Hors Champs / Petites expériences du bocal.
- 11-13/07 à Bruxelles: Projet d'atelier écritures et photographies (correspondances, errances entre les deux pratiques) en co-animation avec Frédéric Lecloux, auteur/photographe/voyageur: http://www.fredericlecloux.com/ - ouvert à tous, photographes & auteurs en devenir ou aguerris.
- Août 2013 en Dordogne: Projet d'atelier résidentiel d'écritures, de mouvement et de corps en co-animation avec Marie Doria, Cinéaste/Vidéaste/Danseuse/...
- 28-31/10/2013 à Bruxelles: Atelier d'écriture et de rencontres avec des pratiques artistiques et des artistes résidents des Ateliers Mommen.

23:43 12/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : atelier | Facebook
Atelier d'écriture animé par Milady Renoir à Studio Marcel (Recyclart) - mai 2013
Workshop d’écritures expérimentales / Décloisonnement / Jeux Organisé par CLéA - Compagnie de Lecteurs et d'Auteurs - FR
3-4-5 mai 2013 @ Studio Marcel C/o Recyclart, 13 rue des Ursulines, 1000 Bruxelles – Bruxelles – P.A.F : 145 € pour 2 jours et un bout de nuit (vendredi 20-22h, samedi 12-19h, dimanche 11-15h).
Atelier d'expérimentations stylistiques (écriture/lecture/processus créatif) ou comment aller de droite à gauche et de bas en haut en quelques heures. Des fragments de textes à créer selon l'humeur, la météo et les influences. Des rituels d'écriture changeants, des présentations d'auteurs, des frottements à des œuvres sans pareil, tous feront le ferment et la sève de cet atelier qui se veut déformateur, explorateur, exutoire et écritoire.
Kaléidoscope et autres puzzles textuels.
Aucun pré-requis n'est nécessaire. Sauf celui de tenir le stylo et le rythme.
Animatrice : Milady Renoir, poétesse organique, animatrice d’ateliers en écritures.
Inscription via compagnie.clea@gmail.com – Infos sur www.compagnie-clea.org
Dans le cadre des ateliers de réflexion et d'accompagnement à l'écriture, à la réécriture proposés par CLéA, la Compagnie des Lecteurs et des Auteurs dont Milady Renoir fait patrie/partie: http://www.compagnie-clea.org/
(art by Jakob Gautel, La Tour (Tour de Babel), 2006–2012)
22:29 12/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : atelier, act-u | Facebook
Cabinets Of Curiosities (Vive Charlotte!)
I love Belgium reprend les choses qui font qu'on reste encore en Belgique... et voilà que grâce à ce site, je découvre l'ouverture à Bruxelles d'un cabinet des curiosités ouvert par Charlotte Pasternak, dont j'admire le boulot et l'allure... faites passer!
A cabinet of curiosities is an encyclopedic collection in Renaissance Europe of types of objects whose categorial boundaries were yet to be defined. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history, geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, art works and antiquities.
Belgium itself is like a cabinet of curiosities. Three languages, three cultures, a gazillion different customs and traditions makes our little country a surreal melting pot. But it’s also what creates a richness. In every little village you can discover something new, taste a local specialty or even see a specific kind of architecture.
We still have a taste for actual cabinets of curiosities since Belgians are known to be collectors. Throughout Belgium you can find mysterious little shops selling art, objects and other knick knacks. Old or new, if it’s collectable, you’ll find it there. If you would happen to be in the neighbourhood, check out these gems and awake your inner collector.
Steen & Been
‘Stone & Bone’ that’s what ‘Steen & Been’ means. And it’s also exactly what this shop in Antwerp sells. Beautiful skeletons, crystals and other precious stones, shells, fossils, antlers, butterflies. If you’re looking for an original gift, you want an eye catcher in a minimalist interior or you want to create your own cabinet of curiosities, you’ll get lost in Steen & Been, even if it’s such a small and cosy shop
Volksstraat 59, 2000 Antwerp
La Meute is a new curisosity shop that opened in the Chatelain area. Owner is photographer Charlotte Pasternak. When you enter the shop you immediately see that Charlotte transferred the aesthetics of her photography into the selection in her shop. She shells old and new curiosities: stuffed animals, sea shells, books on natural history but also a great selection of (sometimes) creepy jewelry and china. Everything on displays looks like it’s a work of art. Charlotte has an eye for detail and isn’t it there where god is?
rue du Page 92, 1050 Brussels
La Meute
La Meute
Stop Over by Roa
Faithful readers of I Love Belgium know we love Belgian street artist ROA. We’ve posted a lot pictures of his poetic urban murals on our Facebook page. The natural evolution (and celebration) of good street artists is of course a solo show in a renowned gallery. And that’s what happened to ROA. As an avid collector himself he recycled all kinds of different stuff he collected from flee markets in Belgium and all over the world. He created a spectacular cabinet of curiosities and called it Stop Over in the Bodson-Emelinckx gallery in Brussels. The show will be over the 22 of March but nothing can stop you to enjoy his art in the streets because after all, that’s where it’s still for free.
ROA – Big Sur Seal #1 - Enamel on Mixed Media, 2013
ROA – Puerto Rico Iguana - Enamel on Mixed Media, 2013
© I Love Belgium
15:20 12/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : place net, society, ego trip-e | Facebook
CHOROS - like chorus & chaos?
Choros: A Transfixing Experimental Dance Film by Michael Langan & Terah Maher
Released three weeks ago after a year on tour at various film festivals, Choros is the latest experimental art film from director Michael Langan the explores the movement of the human body, specifically the motion of dancer Terah Maher. Choros follows in the steps of Eadweard Muybridge, Etienne-Jules Marey, and Norman McLaren, all of whom spent years studying the physical moment of animals and humans through film. Langan takes the next step using new digital innovations to layer some 32 sequential instances of a single movement and then stretch it out over time. Set to Steve Reich’s Music for 18 Musicians, the 13-minute video is pulsating, hypnotic, and flat out lovely to watch.
19:51 11/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : arts | Facebook
No Where
12:09 11/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : humoeurs | Facebook
Blok Party
October 10th, 1912
There is a man in flames.
How difficult it is to walk among people
While pretending not to have been killed,
And on the tragic play staged by desires
Lecture those who've yet to begin to live.
And scrutinizing your daily nightmare
Find structure in feelings' confused whirl
So that you may in art's pale glimmer
Decipher this life's devastating fire.
10 May 1910
As from the void – a blue fountain
Of light splashed forth.
Our heads raised up to the mountain –
And it has fled north,
Scattered above the black distance
In golden hues,
And here, again, an arch, a spiral,
A sphere, a swirl,
In green, yellow, fire-red, sky-blue –
Night's lights go on...
And, having stirred for no reason,
Wither from view.
October 1913
(Agitatorn by Hans Hammarskiold, London, 1955)
09:38 11/04/2013 | Lien permanent | Tags : lis tes ratures | Facebook